Monday, April 30, 2012

I just can't get enough of that grin!

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Cade's Love...

Cade picked this remote controlled car out for Russ for his birthday :) He knew that he couldn't open it... because it was dad's... so he just sat and looked at it until he fell asleep.

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When Mom's not Looking...

When mom's not looking... grab a fork, the pan of brownies, and eat as much as you can... just as fast as you can! Cade does this EVERY time I make brownies.
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Coleman at 18 (errr... 20) months

So this post is a little late coming!
Coleman is now 20 months old. At his 18 month appointment, he was in the 50th percentile for weight, and the 30th percentile for height. Here's some facts about what he's been doing lately...
Coleman LOVES to climb. He climbs everything, all day long. He pushes the chairs all over the house to see what he can get into next.

He is VERY attached to his blankie and binky.

He is a very picky eater.

He loves being read to.

Coleman likes Sesame Street, and says "Onnnt Emmo!" for "want Elmo". It's seriously the cutest thing you'll ever hear in your life. It makes me smile every time he says it.

He loves his dad. Every morning, he climbs up onto Russ, lays his head on his shoulder, and just sits there for a good 5 minutes. He is always very excited when he hears Russ come home in the evenings.

Coleman started nursery, and had a very hard time at first, but now that he has gotten to know everyone a little bit better he seems to really enjoy it.

Coleman is starting to put two words together. I would guess that he is saying over 50 words, but it's hard to say since most of his words are still not intelligeable. He mostly just articulates the vowel sounds in each word, but those words definitely have meaning.

His comprehension is very good when he is close to the speaker, but his responses aren't reliable when the speaker is over 10' away. His audiograms show a borderline normal to minimal loss in the lower frequencies (20 dB), a mild loss (35-40 dB) at 4000 hZ, and borderline normal to minimal loss at 8000 hZ (again around 20 dB). He is still not passing the OAE tests. His audiologists are still on the fence about wearing his aids, especially for his left ear, but agreed to keep them on the shelf for the time being.

Coleman is my little piece of sunshine. He's so loveable and cuddly and always full of smiles. He adds so much to our family, and I'm so glad that he's ours.

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