Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas in Dixie

We got to visit Russell's family in Atlanta this year for Christmas. We had so much fun. It made me realize how much I miss the South... short sleeve weather on Christmas day, tons of yummy food, and most of all, lots of time with family. I was really nervous about how Cade would do on the plane trip out, but he was amazing. We actually had to try to get him to stop laughing at one point because he was squealing (with delight) so loudly. He had a few rough times, but all in all did really well. Cade's Nana and Papa spoiled him (and Russ and I too) rotten (par for the course). We got there late Tuesday night to find that Nana had borrowed a crib and some toys for Cade, and had diapers, wipes, and baby food all waiting for him. Ann had also bought groceries to accommodate my dairy free diet (Cade has a milk protien allergy). She is so thoughtful! We're so thankful for her.

We had our family Christmas at home before we left. We have always had a little Christmas with just the two of us at our own house on Christmas morning, and we want Cade to be able to have Christmas morning memories at home, so we had Christmas a little early. Besides, with all of the luggage fees these days, who can afford to pack Christmas? We had a lot of fun with just the three of us. I'm so thankful to have such a sweet son and such a wonderful husband. I love them both so much.

Christmas Eve, some of Russell's cousins came by and hung out with us for a few hours. They were so sweet to give Cade TONS of really cute gifts that he absolutely loves(I love them too... they were life-savers on the plane ride home!). It was so great to get to see everyone. Thanks guys for making the 2+ hour trip even with the holiday traffic!!

Christmas Day was so much fun. It's so crazy how a baby changes everything... I thought that Christmas was fun before... now it's 100 times better (even though he has no idea what Christmas is yet).

After Christmas, we got to do some shopping (yeah!) and we went to the infamous Jim 'N Nick's BBQ. It's Russell's favorite BBQ place, and I think that he's been looking forward to eating there since... well the last time that we ate there last November.

Cade also got to meet his cousin, Jake, for the first time. We hadn't seen Jake in over a year. He has grown so much. We had a lot of fun spending a little time with him. He showed us everything that Santa brought him. Jake told us that if he wouldn't have been naughty, he probably would have gotten more. :)

Kisses for Nana...

To top off our great trip, we came home late last night to find that our wonderful neighbors, the Rosevears, had shoveled all 18" of snow out of our driveway. Russ was so happy that he didn't have to shovel snow at midnight so we could pull our car in :) We are truly blessed with great friends and family.


EricandLauren said...

Oh, it was great to get to see you guys! Cade is the cutest, most sweet baby!! I loved my time holding him! Hopefully the next time that we see you, we will be on your end of things!

Tracy said...

I'm sad that we didn't get together while you were here!! Looks like you were pretty busy though. You are looking so skinny!!

Mike and Timette said...

Yeah! I am glad you are safe and sound, I kept telling Mike he needed to shovel your walk, but as you can see we never got around to it.

Jacki said...

Chelsea, your hair looks great! Cade is just getting cuter and cuter!