Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cade + Aleah

I'm pretty sure that Cade has a crush on Aleah. Cade and Aleah have a long history together... they've been friends since the womb... literally. Cade and Aleah met in their birthing class before they were born, and then found out that their parents are in the same ward! Aleah beat Cade by 9 days coming into the world. I actually went into labor when I was making dinner for Aleah's parents, Hollie and Jeff, after they came home from the hospital. Cade and Aleah have been on a few dates already (with parental supervision of course). Aleah slept through the first date, but I think that lately she has been paying a little more attention to him. Here are a few pics of the cute couple. :)

1 comment:

Jeff and Hollie said...

Aleah always has a great time with Cade. We love you guys!! love the pictures.